Color correcting mirror Opportunity: People who do their makeup at home or in hotel rooms rarely blend or shade correctly because the lighting indoors rarely reflects how your makeup will look in natural sunlight. The who: People who wear makeup. The what: They apply or blend their makeup incorrectly. The why: Indoor lighting doesn't match natural sunlight. Testing the who: The "who" is not limited to women or even female-identifying people, as anybody who likes makeup can wear it. Therefore, the target for this problem is simply people who wear makeup. It's not possible to narrow the "who" down by place or behavior either, since lighting is a problem in homes, hotel rooms, public bathrooms, etc. I think it's safe to target people who do their makeup in a bathroom. Testing the what: To understand the "what," I'd like to find out if this is a location-specific need. Do people apply their makeup incorrectly in their homes or just h...