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Assignment 16: What's Your Secret Sauce?

Five ways that I think I have human capital:
1. Honest: I've been told that this is my most admirable quality. I never beat around the bush and you never have to wonder where you stand with me. The same goes for my work. I'll never sugarcoat anything and I'm able to adapt when confronted with constructive criticism.
2. Observant: I tend to hang back and take in what is going on around me before I make a move. I spend a great deal of time collecting information and analyzing it before I finally make a decision. I have never been one to behave recklessly.
3. Hardworking: Simply put, I stay on my grind until the job is done. I try my best to not only get the work done on time but to make sure that everything I produce is quality work.
4. Forward-thinking: I always try to stay a step ahead of the game. Being a journalist means that I'm always working in a fast-paced environment, and I have the progressive mindset to keep up with this type of work.
5. Intuitive: I have the ability to make connections and see patterns that others cannot see. You don't need a crystal ball or a tarot deck to see the future, you just need to pay attention to recurring situations and draw meaningful conclusions.

My (very talkative) boyfriend talks about my bluntness, forward-thinking, and ability to synthesize information into something meaningful. He uses the word synthesis a lot and I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I feel like he's onto something.

My brother says that when I take up a project, I don't rest until I get it done and I'm not one to procrastinate. In one word, he thinks I'm persistent.

My dad thinks that I'm goal-oriented, driven, and passionate about everything I do. In a word, he thinks that I'm driven.

My mom says that my greatest attribute is my creativity. She also thinks that I'm witty, both in terms of my sense of humor and my ability to find creative solutions to problems.

My best friend believes that my honesty is my greatest attribute. She says that some think it's a bad thing, but that she admires my ability to be blunt in any situation.

Reflection: I'm a little surprised since I thought more people would cite honesty as my greatest attribute. I'm sometimes scolded for being blunt, but, for the most part, my friends and family truly appreciate that they can expect total honesty from me. I expected my interviewees to talk about my work ethic and drive, and a few of them did. I never considered my mom's comment about my ability to creatively find solutions to problems, but I think I'd add it to the list if I could revise part 1. I shy away from calling myself creative because I think it's a saturated adjective that has lost its meaning, but I suppose I must be creative to have my job as a graphic designer. My interviewees are the people who know me best, so I trust their answers completely. There's always a disconnect between how you see yourself and how other people see you, especially the people who love you. It was kind of nice to see myself through their eyes.


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