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Assignment 9: Testing the Hypothesis, Part 2

  • Who: Through my interviews, I found that the type of hotel I market the mirror to will be very indicative of my success. A hotel manager of a successful hotel on International Drive said that he'd be very interested in the product to improve his customer experience. However, the manager of a local motel said that the product wouldn't be worth the money to replace all the existing mirrors. Besides, his clientele just doesn't include many people who care that much about their makeup. Others I talked to were regular consumers who just weren't interested in the product. Two college-aged makeup enthusiasts said that nothing can look like natural sunlight except natural sunlight, so they'd probably end up moving around to do their makeup anyway. One middle-aged woman said that she didn't find the lighting bothersome when doing her makeup, so she wouldn't have a real need for the product anyway.
  • What: The problem that the two college-aged interviewees brought up is a good one. Perhaps the problem is that bathrooms are not constructed with enough attention paid to the amount of natural sunlight the room receives at all times of day. In this case, there is nothing my product can do to help. The only way to capture this market would be to make a product so good at mimicking natural sunlight that people they trust tell them about it.
  • Why: The need for the outsiders is still sufficient lighting, but outsiders are understandably wary of any product that attempts to mimic something natural. The problem comes from poor room construction and window placement, for them. As for hotel owners, I don't think it is a need at all. More successful hotel owners simply see the product as a way to provide the best for their customers (and their business overall), while the standard motel/hotel owners see it as a waste of time and money, and that's perfectly reasonable.

Inside the boundary
Outside the boundary
·      High-class hotel owners
·      Makeup users who see lighting as a problem
·      Makeup users who want a novelty product
·      Standard hotel/motel owners
·      Makeup users don’t see lighting as a problem
·      Makeup users who are suspicious of a product that claims to mimic sunlight
·      Good lighting that mimics natural light in bathrooms, where people usually do their makeup
·      Better window placement in bathrooms
·      Poor lighting in hotel bathrooms
·      Home bathrooms with no windows or poorly positioned windows
·      Color tinting from certain types of lighting like fluorescent lighting
·      Light bulbs used in hotels and home bathrooms aren’t suitable for makeup application
·      Poor window placement in bathrooms


  1. Hey Peyton, I think you are right about some of your product's limitations. If it is that expensive, not every hotel will be willing to spend the money to change all their mirrors, and people are always going to be skeptic about stuff like this. But I think that, if the product is able to perfectly replicate any type of lighting, it might be better oriented for the pro market. Like actors, makeup artists, etc. They would benefit the most about having this. For regular consumers that would still like to use it, you can make a portable version, instead of a full size mirror. Nice job!

  2. Hey Peyton! After reading through your assignment, I definitely agree with you that the hotel market would be an awesome place to establish this innovative solution. I love the simplicity in your idea, and I can definitely see how this could be very beneficial to so many different groups of people. Overall, I think you did a really great job on this assignment and I can't wait to see how this idea grows throughout the rest of the semester.


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