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Assignment 18: Creating a Customer Avatar

My product will be sold to both business and individuals, but I will focus on individuals for this assignment because there are many more of them and I think they make the most interesting customer avatar.

My customer is a 21-year-old woman who lives and breathes makeup. The centerpiece of her room is her vanity and she has her makeup separated by brand, type, and color. She subscribes to all the hottest makeup YouTubers and trusts their opinions on which products to buy. She flew all the way to LA once to go to Beauty Con and meet Jeffree Star, her idol. In fact, she even has her own beauty YouTube channel. She doesn't have many subscribers yet, but she's just happy to be putting her art out there into the world, you know?

She lives in an apartment close to her college campus with her three girlfriends. She's a marketing major, but she's just doing it to please her parents. She knows she wants to be a makeup artist. She drives a silver 2011 Toyota Camry that has been in her family for years and has now been passed down to her. Her place is incredibly aesthetically pleasing, but the kitchen is always messy.

Rent eats up most of what she makes working at Sephora, but what little disposable cash she has left she spends on new and holy grail beauty products. She believes that beauty starts with your skin, so she cares deeply about her skincare routine, as well. She gets samples of all the products at work, so she can easily choose which ones are worth it and which ones aren't. As a side hustle, she does her friends' makeup for prom and other special events.

In her free time, she loves to binge RuPaul's Drag Race. She judges the queens mostly on their ability to beat their mug. Her Instagram feed is immaculate, and she takes pride in that. She's a strong liberal, but she derives most of her political knowledge from Twitter personalities. She's into wearing things that declare herself as a feminist to the world.  Her favorite t-shirt says "GRL PWR". She truly believes that makeup artistry is a rebellious act; instead of being ashamed of her femininity, she chooses to revel in it.

What we have in common: Like her, I love makeup. I wouldn't be doing these assignments on this product if I didn't. I also think makeup artistry is beautiful and has the capacity to send a political message. I love drag and drag queens, and I draw a lot of inspiration from them in my own personal style. I don't think this is a coincidence. I came up with this avatar because I know her. Many of my friends walk and talk like her. I don't just know my customer, I am close friends with her. While I'm not similar to my avatar in many ways, I understand how she functions and what she expects from the products she buys.


  1. Hey Peyton! I loved your post and I also am a huge fan of Jeffree Star. I think this was a perfect avatar for you and you also have a lot of similarities as him. This avatar is more than a picture he speaks for the beauty community, LGBTQ, and any tea on twitter. Overall he is an influencer and I think he does a pretty good job at doing that.

  2. Hey Peyton! I love how in depth this is. You really put a significant amount of thought and effort into portraying the idiosycrasies of your target audience. Do you think that widening your reach to those outside of your initial target market would be a good or bad move in the long run? Great post!

  3. Hey Peyton, great job with this post. You were extremely specific about your prototypical costumer, it really describes in perfect detail who you might be selling to. It's also a good thing that you are very similar, since now you could potentially adjust your business idea and make it still appeal to the same market. Nice work!


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